Category: Green Buildings

Build efficient, retrofit smart and measure energy use

359. NorQuest College – Build Efficient, Retrofit Smart and Measure Energy Use

Data is king. NorQuest College has complicated systems, old and new buildings and a limited budget, but they are building efficiently, retrofitting smart and measuring energy use to save money, save energy and reduce their emissions. We take a tour of the LEED Gold Singhmar Centre for Learning to explore some of its unique features and the adjacent Civic Employee Legacy Tower which now shares a boiler system with the new building all with the idea of reducing energy use and saving money.

Deep energy retro fit transforms 1953 bungalow.

355. Deep Energy Retrofitting 1953 Bungalow to Net-Zero

The Tufts had a choice: bulldoze their 1953 bungalow and start over or do a deep energy retrofit to net-zero. They chose the cheaper option in this amazing story of renewal. 

DIY Net-Zero

348. Family’s 20-year DIY home retrofit journey ends by getting to net-zero

Darren and Darcy Crichton started their DIY home retrofit on their 1969 bungalow 20 years ago. Their goals were modest – to cut drafts and increase comfort. But with careful research, they did the right renovations in the right order and today they live in a very comfortable solar-powered, net-zero home. This is their story.

Michaela Jones, architect with the Salvation Army

345. Salvation Army to save $6 million with net-zero-ready Grace Village

The consultants said it wasn’t affordable–it couldn’t be done. But Salvation Army architect Michaela Jones pushed back hard requoting their 175-unit supportive living complex as net-zero-ready at the last minute. Now this amazing solar powered, geothermal heated and cooled, energy-efficient building will save Sally Ann $6 million. 

Net-Zero 101 - new for 2023

340. Net-Zero 101 – Ultimate guide to cold climate homes

So much has changed in the 15 years since net-zero homes came onto the landscape. We now have heat pumps good to -35, streamlined building strategies and it now makes more economic sense than ever to build a net-zero home, eliminate your gas utility bill and produce your own energy.

Mike Fell twitter feed

320. Are Heat Pumps as Sexy as George Clooney?

Social scientist Mike Fell from the UK thinks people would adopt climate solutions such as heat pumps faster if they thought the solutions were sexier. So he created and began comparing heat pumps to prominent actors such as George Clooney. 


311. Can Geoships Help Us Solve the Climate and Affordable Housing Crises?

Geoships just might be a creative answer to the climate and housing crises. Made out of ceramic, infused with locally available materials (such as hemp) the affordable designs are modular, resilient to climate disasters, and affordable. We talk to Jean-Marc La Flamme from Geoship about this rethinking of the fabled geodesic dome.

Net-Zero Passive House

297. Stunning Net-Zero Passive House good to -40 with no furnace

Passive House 101 – This amazing net-zero passive house has no furnace and is designed to withstand the northern Canadian winter where temperatures reach near -40 Celsius. We present the anatomy of a passive home that is 90% more efficient, is super-insulated, has no concrete foundation walls and that uses a 450% efficient heat pump water heater not only to provide hot water but also to provide supplementary heat in the cold depths of winter

Marc André of DCBEL

295. Ring that DCBEL – A revolutionary fast EV charger and solar inverter for the home

The DCBEL R16 is a revolutionary electric vehicle charger that connects your solar system to the grid, and with built-in artificial intelligence learns how to help you save money. Due to its unique DC charging system, it charges EVs at twice the speed of a level two charger and it completely replaces the inverter for your solar system. Oh, and it knows your price of electricity and optimizes vehicle charging, and thanks to bidirectional charging the R16 can use electricity from your car to run your home during a blackout.