Tag: heat pump

Deep energy retro fit transforms 1953 bungalow.

355. Deep Energy Retrofitting 1953 Bungalow to Net-Zero

The Tufts had a choice: bulldoze their 1953 bungalow and start over or do a deep energy retrofit to net-zero. They chose the cheaper option in this amazing story of renewal. 

Mike Fell twitter feed

320. Are Heat Pumps as Sexy as George Clooney?

Social scientist Mike Fell from the UK thinks people would adopt climate solutions such as heat pumps faster if they thought the solutions were sexier. So he created pumpchic.com and began comparing heat pumps to prominent actors such as George Clooney. 

Getting in hot water efficiently

177. Water Heaters 101: Getting yourself in hot water

SMART HOMES PART 1 – Is your water heater kaput? Want to discover the best option for high efficiency water heaters? Look no further! We check out tankless, electric heat pump and power vented conventional high efficiency water heaters. Is one of them right for you? Read on and find out.