Category: Changing for Climate Series

Build efficient, retrofit smart and measure energy use

359. NorQuest College – Build Efficient, Retrofit Smart and Measure Energy Use

Data is king. NorQuest College has complicated systems, old and new buildings and a limited budget, but they are building efficiently, retrofitting smart and measuring energy use to save money, save energy and reduce their emissions. We take a tour of the LEED Gold Singhmar Centre for Learning to explore some of its unique features and the adjacent Civic Employee Legacy Tower which now shares a boiler system with the new building all with the idea of reducing energy use and saving money.

Natural Solutions to Climate Change

358. Planting 2 million trees – Natural solutions to climate change

Edmonton has a goal of planting 2 million trees to help fight climate change and make a much more beautiful city. We dive deep to explore their efforts to plant trees, naturalize landscapes and expand the urban canopy and build a climate-resilient city.

Community Leagues taking climate action

357. Cool ways community leagues are taking climate action

We meet up with Sarah Delano of Parkdale Cromdale Community League to learn all about living local, food foraging, community gardens and their solar-powered community league. Parkdale Cromdale has even created its own art walk with 64 panels of local community created art spread along a trail in one of the City’s ravines.

Hydrogen's role in a zero emissions future

356. Hydrogen’s role in a zero-emissions future

Alberta’s is betting big on hydrogen, but can hydrogen, blue, green or otherwise help us get to a zero-emissions future? We take a deep dive to find out how and where hydrogen can decarbonize energy use.

Deep energy retro fit transforms 1953 bungalow.

355. Deep Energy Retrofitting 1953 Bungalow to Net-Zero

The Tufts had a choice: bulldoze their 1953 bungalow and start over or do a deep energy retrofit to net-zero. They chose the cheaper option in this amazing story of renewal. 

Adapting our homes and yards to climate change

353. Climate Ready Home 2 – Adapting our homes and yards to climate change

We enlisted Kenton Zerbin, a sustainability consultant to help us learn a few things we can do to make our homes climate resilient and better prepared for the droughts, fires and crazy storms that seem to be part of the new reality in our climate changing world.

Rigs to Renewables

351. Rigs to renewables – One man’s journey

Lewis Lix loved the oil industry but he grew weary of the boom and bust cycles and being away from his family all the time. After one false start and a great deal of discussion with his family, he eventually enrolled in the 2-year NAIT Alternative Energy Program in Edmonton, Alberta. This is the story of his long and winding journey through energy transition.

Going all-electric

349. Going all-electric – A family’s EV journey

Howaida and her family first dipped their toes in the world of electric vehicles by purchasing a small short-range EV and eventually took the plunge and went all-electric with both family vehicles. It all started when their non-electric Smart Car seemed too small for kids and hockey gear.

DIY Net-Zero

348. Family’s 20-year DIY home retrofit journey ends by getting to net-zero

Darren and Darcy Crichton started their DIY home retrofit on their 1969 bungalow 20 years ago. Their goals were modest – to cut drafts and increase comfort. But with careful research, they did the right renovations in the right order and today they live in a very comfortable solar-powered, net-zero home. This is their story.