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Lightspark virtual home energy audit

338. The missing link – Lightspark digital home energy audit recommends retrofits to save you money

Curious about energy retrofits for your home? Canadian software company Lightspark has created a new tool that has generated digital energy audits of nearly every home in Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta. And that’s just the beginning. You can register, add some information and presto it recommends home energy improvements along with cost and benefits.

Photo David Dodge, Green Energy Futures Geothermal with Leigh Bond, Threshold Energy Brentwood Apartments, Edmonton Geothermal, Solar Thermal, Solar PV, Net Zero ready apartment building

06. Geothermal 101

If you own a fridge you own the same technology used in a geothermal heating system. It’s called a heat pump and its job is to pump heat from one place to another. In the fridge’s case it pumps the heat out of the fridge to keep it cool. In a ground source heat pump’s case it pumps the latent heat in the ground into your home.

Get a more detailed explanation and check out both a residential and a commercial scale example of this energy efficient technology that takes advantage of the Earth’s constant temperature.