Tag: geoexchange

Jacob Komar and the geothermal revival

222. Geothermal Revival – Getting to net-zero the easy way

Jacob Komar is shaking up the energy efficient building world by resorting to an age-old technology: geothermal energy. He says you can save lots of money and use much less insulation and get to net-zero for half the price if you use geothermal to heat and cool your home or building.

Photo David Dodge, Green Energy Futures Geothermal with Leigh Bond, Threshold Energy Brentwood Apartments, Edmonton Geothermal, Solar Thermal, Solar PV, Net Zero ready apartment building

06. Geothermal 101

If you own a fridge you own the same technology used in a geothermal heating system. It’s called a heat pump and its job is to pump heat from one place to another. In the fridge’s case it pumps the heat out of the fridge to keep it cool. In a ground source heat pump’s case it pumps the latent heat in the ground into your home.

Get a more detailed explanation and check out both a residential and a commercial scale example of this energy efficient technology that takes advantage of the Earth’s constant temperature.